Business Coaching

A Customized Solution


Entrepreneurial companies need essential business training like the Fortune 500 and large governmental offices do at affordable prices. Let Bespoke Integrated Business Coaching Solutions train employees in your company in sales, leadership, communication, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and critical thinking. Benefit from the results of a properly trained staff to give your company a chance to thrive and grow. 

Bespoke Integrated Business Coaching Solutions also provides entrepreneurial coaching, executive leadership training and coaching, and individualized employee improvement training and coaching.   

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Efrem Keith Simmons


With a fabulous talent for writing seductive copy, a natural eye towards business matters and drive to succeed, founder Efrem Keith Simmons had over 30 years’ helping entrepreneurs with their entrepreneurial endeavors. Often business owners would come back to him expressing gratitude for the advice that worked and for helping them to have new insights about critical areas that were previously overlooked or unmanaged.

With an Master of Arts in Liberal Studies and a Master of Professional Studies, Efrem combines the elements of critical thinking with training and development to produce customized training and coaching solutions.  Being an entrepreneur himself for over 30 years, Efrem truly understands what entrepreneurs need to achieve self-efficacy and mastery of their entrepreneurial dreams.  

See Efrem’s LinkedIn Profile